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San Francisco Parks Alliance - Party for the Parks

The Recreation series was designed for the 2015 San Francisco Parks Alliance Gala. The body of work was in support of the Let’sPlaySF! - a playground renovation initiative, through a partnership between the Recreation and Parks Department and the Parks Alliance. This campaign continues to support the transformation of San Francisco’s tired and worn playgrounds into dynamic hubs for creativity and family life. The program will change the lives of the 20,000 children who live within a 10-minute walk of these playgrounds by giving them modern, safe play spaces where their brains and bodies can thrive. As the events’ feature artist, I compiled a large body of work body for exhibition in the Gala’s Main Gallery to support and highlight new playground designs. Proceeds from the sales went in support of Let’sPlaySF! The remaining works are part of the Parks Alliance's permeant collection.

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